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  • Lineage

    Chem 91

  • Lineage

    Planet Purple F2

  • sex

    Regular – 12 seeds


Lineage:  Chem 91 x Planet Purple F2
Sex: Regular – 12 seeds

Growth Characteristics: Medium Framed Chem Type Plant with good branching and candelabra growth

Essentially the Chem lover’s version of the Blank Check.  This one stays more on the Sherb-itosis Chem funk side of things. With fat bracted buds like the Original Chem 91.  Earthy hash plant and halitosis chem skunk combine with slight Z/Sherb tones.  Densely packed short stalk, fat headed resin glands.  The best for flower smoking and incredible for bag appeal.  The herb shines like no other in the bag, leaving a superglue like coating to anything it touches.  True stick to the window type shit.  Most phenotypes’ odor is dominated by that raw hash plant halitosis earthy dank funk with a gelato/urkle scent on the back end.  Don’t smoke too much of this one or you will be sure to feel the true heavyweight power of the ChemDozer.

Availability: In stock

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Availability: In stock